Selecting the right career for your child
Expert session Questions and Answers
Well, there is a tendency for children at that age to be drawn towards YouTube and social media because that is a big attraction. I suggest that rather than telling him what not to do, please start discussing with him on various successful careers without really making it look like a big discussion. Often, we tend to lecture them about good
what not to do and what should be done. I suggest just get him into conversations regarding different interesting opportunities and how that benefitted someone. In school they are not exposed to everything, so there is confusion about the career because they don’t have enough knowledge to choose their career. I recommend an approach of discussion and suggestions. Treat the discussion like it is a constructive one, asking him his opinion. This process has to be followed and do not expect immediate results. Give him time. Also, look at some of the skills he is good at, and focus on his interests. You can also casually find out what in YouTube interests him – counsel him about it.
It’s great that he is taking interest in physics. Do not worry too much about his solving problems etc. Let us not analyse this too much. I’m really happy that he has found his liking to something – he will grow into it. Just support him in every way and do not ask him about why he cannot solve problems. Just focus on the positives and let him grow. There are areas like research, technical writers, etc which can be careers for him but I again suggest that let him just be, and enjoy himself.
He is not confused. Probably he is more clear what he wants than we can imagine. This generation is much smarter and more informed than us. Do not equate our times with theirs. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.
I’m not an expert in this and you will have to research more, but it’s about effects of climate, topography etc. If your daughter is interested, ask her to do some research herself on the net. The fact that she is interested means she has already found enough. In Indian though, I’m not very aware of specific streams on this.
Well, in school there is limited exposure to the career options available. So it is up to the parents to talk to them, discuss with them without putting any pressure. Usually, we start talking about this only in Std X onwards. Instead, just discuss different areas – type of Engineering and what they do, medicine, art, architecture etc. You can start this even in STD V or VII and let them read about it. There are personality assessments that you can do for them – psychometric tests which test their aptitude and their strengths and these are based on written tests.
Then there is DMIT (Dermatoglyphics MiltiIntelligence Test) which are biometric (fingerprint) tests which determine the child’s inborn talents and provides an analysis of his/her strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Also, look at the skills that the child is showing up – like speaking, demonstrating, any particular liking, etc. Also, start talking to the child, what they would like to do when he/she will settle down. Do not get into certifications and degrees at that point. Understand the child’s goals and build on it, and guide them. Also, don’t look at which profession will get you maximum income. Big Mistake! You can make money on anything these days.
What is important is, they should enjoy when they work. Understanding the personality of the child is very important so that the career they choose will match it. Often they get carried away by peer pressure or parental pressure to take specific careers which is definitely not advisable.
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Shyam Kalle – Help Your Child Choose A Right Career
Shyam Kalle – Help Your Child Choose A Right Career
Shyam Kalle’s ideas as a success coach are known to be simple, practical, eye opening and powerful. His expertise lies in understanding the learning styles of children, handling children emotions, removing their fears, etc.About Shyam Kalle
Shyam Kalle is a parenting expert by profession. He is a success coach, mind transformational and motivational trainer and also conducts online parenting seminars. He is the author of the best seller book, ‘The Unbound Transformation’ and is an NLP( Neuro-linguistic programming) Expert. NLP is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy.
The SessionShyam Kalle – Help Your Child Choose A Right Career will be the topic where she will be taking the session at 5To15 event.